These instructions expect you to be building on an ARM64 host.
Scripts and instructions to build an ARM64EC toolchain can be found here, with prebuilt binaries for ARM64/x86 hosts on the releases page. Once built/downloaded, add it to your environment with
export PATH="<path to toolchain>/bin:$PATH"
note the toolchain must come before all other path entries as it needs to override the host ar binary.
- Make sure to grab the tar.gz aarch64 files when compiling on Linux. The zip files are for a Windows toolchain which doesn't work for these instructions.
Upstream wine has various things missing for full FEX/ARM64EC support, while it can be used, my fork will give the best results for now. Make sure to install the deps listed here before building with the ARM64EC toolchain.
./configure --enable-archs=arm64ec,aarch64,i386 --prefix=/usr --with-mingw=clang --disable-tests make -j$(nproc) sudo --preserve-env=PATH make install -j$(nproc)
FEX must be built twice, once for the x86 (WOW64) emulation module and once for x86_64 emulation module (ARM64EC)
FEX's official Ubuntu PPA now provides a fex-emu-wine package of the latest release. This package can be downloaded and the DLL files can be extracted if compiling isn't desired.
Build directions
mkdir build-arm64ec cd build-arm64ec cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain_mingw.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/lib/wine/aarch64-windows -DENABLE_LTO=False -DMINGW_TRIPLE=arm64ec-w64-mingw32 -DBUILD_TESTS=False -DENABLE_JEMALLOC_GLIBC_ALLOC=False -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .. ninja sudo ninja install cd .. mkdir build-wow64 cd build-wow64 cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain_mingw.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/lib/wine/aarch64-windows -DENABLE_LTO=False -DMINGW_TRIPLE=aarch64-w64-mingw32 -DBUILD_TESTS=False -DENABLE_JEMALLOC_GLIBC_ALLOC=False -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .. ninja sudo ninja install cd ..
Both can be built and installed as instructed on their respective github pages, except that a path to the following cross file should be passed to meson with --cross-file:
[binaries] ar = 'arm64ec-w64-mingw32-ar' c = 'arm64ec-w64-mingw32-gcc' cpp = 'arm64ec-w64-mingw32-g++' ld = 'arm64ec-w64-mingw32-ld' windres = 'arm64ec-w64-mingw32-windres' strip = 'strip' widl = 'arm64ec-w64-mingw32-widl' pkgconfig = 'aarch64-linux-gnu-pkg-config' [host_machine] system = 'windows' cpu_family = 'aarch64' cpu = 'aarch64' endian = 'little'
ARM64EC FEX is usable as a drop-in replacement for xtajit64 on native WOA, build FEX with -DUSE_PDB_DEBUGINFO=True and copy the libarm64ecfex.{dll,pdb} binaries into C:/Windows/System32. To actually use FEX create an empty registry key at HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Wow64\\amd64 and set its value to libarm64ecfex.dll, all subsequently launched programs will then use FEX. Logs/configuration is stored in %localappdata%.
Unlike Linux FEX, the Windows FEX modules purely handle CPU emulation, with syscall translation being done on either the wine side (WOW64) or ABI (ARM64EC). This is similarly the case for wine's unixcalls and as a result native ARM64 variants can be used for all .so libraries (Vulkan, wine, etc.) dropping the need for an x86 rootfs and FEX-side thunking.
WOW64 is fairly simple, every DLL is compiled with both x86 and ARM64 variants and in an x86 process only the x86 variants are loaded (with ARM64 FEX and ntdll) the only thunking done is for {unix,sys}calls so almost all Windows code is emulated.
ARM64EC on the otherhand avoids duplicating DLLs at all, instead choosing to introduce a new ARM64 ABI allowing for transparent compiler-aided interop with any existing x86_64 code. The following pages serve as a good introduction:
Of note is the fact that FEX needs to run in a very reduced Windows environment - due to how early it is loaded it can only depend on ntdll and not say the system CRT. This is worked around by implementing/stubbing the subset of the CRT/Windows APIs necessary for FEX to run/link purely ontop of ntdll (see Common/Windows/{WinAPI,CRT}).